Spot Satellite Personal Tracker
Spot is satellite messenger that transmit your location and status to your friends, family and if needed to an emergency center. This is a very cool ideal and would be great for some of the trips I take, where there is no phone service and I could get help if needed. Also the tracking would be great letting for my friends and family know how I was doing and where I was at on my trip.
I got the Spot just in time for my Bandera trip. There would be a few remote areas and it would be great to test out.
The results were great with a few exceptions. The unit is small and has a clip for your belt and was comfortable. The double A batteries worked all weekend without replacing them. The OK button worked and sent an email & text message to Crystal my daughter (Emergency Contact) with no problems. The tracking worked great, but the web site had some problems for some of my friends and family could not get any info. Spot does state the the web site is beta, so I hope it get better in the future. I was not able to test the 911 or the help button. In the future I will test the Help button. I hope I never have to use the 911 button.
Check the Where? Button at the top of this web site to see where I’m at.
Over all the Spot wok great! I would recommend it to anyone.
Some things I would like to see added or modified:
It would be nice to a have mount for the motorcycle.
A button just for the tracking.
To be able to embed the tracking map in my personal web page.
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